China American Petrochemical Co.,Ltd


2009/03 CAPCO winning the crack award of the tenth industry

"Industry rewards crackly " to encourage the industrial circle of our country to pay attention to enterprise's developing, promoting industry upgrading in order to strengthen the competition advantage continuously forever the economic department industrial office, and then the reward of improving the national whole competitiveness and setting up. Evaluate the datum includes:
1. Environmental project of resource: Develop continuously forever, safe hygiene, can economize resources, economizing the water
2. Manage the management project: Deal in the idea, operation performance, social contribution
3. Technological project: Research, development and automatic electronization make Cheng procedure improve, behavior of quality
CAPCO showing one's talent to win the special honours of the crack award of the tenth industry.The industry on November 24 accepts and awards medals to praise crackly while rewarding the conference of praising.

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